Main Street Monroe Park
The “Vacant Lot to Vibrant Spot” Campaign
Main Street Monroe Pocket Park

* The Main Street Monroe Board of Directors is considering adding an artistic timeline that depicts the history of Monroe. The mural may be a recognition opportunity in the future, depending on cost
Donor Policies
Donors of gifts of $5,000 or more will be recognized by name on the donor wall.
All donors, including those who give or pledge $1,000 as People Who Love Monroe, will be listed on the computer kiosk. The listing can be an individual, business or organization name.
All naming opportunities are subject to the approval of the
Main Street Monroe Board of Directors.
Gifts can be made anonymously in terms of name and/or amount.
Naming will be in effect for 25 years
Naming opportunities and gift levels are subject to availability
and subject to change.
You may choose from these suggested wordings:
“Through the generosity of” or “In Memory/Honor of”